General Information Career

Funda Başaran Yavaşlar is a professor of tax law. She received her bachelor's degree from Istanbul University Faculty of Law and her master's and doctorate degrees from Marmara University Institute of Social Sciences.

As an academician, she has lectured at Marmara University Faculty of Law, Department of Fiscal Law for many years as the Head of the Department, and has also worked in the undergraduate and graduate programmes of Marmara University, Istanbul Kültür University, Doğuş University and Istanbul Commerce University.  Abroad, he has worked as a guest researcher / guest lecturer at the University of Cologne, University of Bochum, Free University of Berlin, University of Vienna and Max Planck Institute, gave seminars (FUB), and served as a referee (/jury member) in some of these institutions, including the Austrian Academy of Sciences.

Başaran Yavaşlar is a member and active member of several local and foreign academic and professional organisations such as EATLP, Alumni and Friends Association of the Max Planck Institute (Tax Law and Public Finance), Turkish-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of German-Turkish Lawyers, Association of Alexander von Humboldt Scholars in Turkey and is a member of the Istanbul Bar Association and the Berlin Bar Association. He is also the owner of Başaran Law Office & Business Consultancy ( based in Berlin.

Prof. Dr. Funda Başaran Yavaşlar, who has published numerous national and international books, articles and papers in the field of tax law, provides legal and training services to businesses in Turkey and Germany in many areas ranging from company incorporation to solving problems arising from contract law, from going public to tax planning with more than thirty years of legal knowledge and professional experience. His personal areas of expertise are international tax law, corporate tax, tax procedure, tax criminal law and the limits of taxation authority.