Our Values

The aim of NELSUS is to create a secure environment for its customers.


Provides high standards of audit, consultancy, tax and accounting services to its clients with its experienced and expert staff, and evaluates the financial and corporate performance of its clients according to their needs.
While doing its job, NELSUS undertakes to defend the right thing in any case and circumstance, not to depart from ethical values, and to consider the reputation of its customers as its own reputation.
Guarantees that the team to provide services has the professional knowledge, skills and experience required by the activity.
It expects its service team to continuously improve their individual skills and to attach importance to teamwork and co-operation.
It aims to be an exemplary organisation in the sector with its culture and business standards.

NELSUS audit and consultancy team, while fulfilling its services;

It shows the necessary care and attention while meeting the needs of the customer in the most effective, fast and efficient way, and acts in accordance with the requirements of the service.
It acts in accordance with the vision and mission of the institution or organisation it serves and acts in line with their service ideals.
Carries out his/her work with honesty, accuracy, attention and sense of responsibility and taking accountability into account.
Demonstrates with his/her behaviour that he/she is worthy of the reputation and trust required by the service, complies with the principle of objectivity required by his/her career while evaluating information and documents.
Carries out its services in accordance with the determined standards and processes, and provides the service beneficiaries with the necessary explanatory information about the work and transactions throughout the service process.
Prepares its reports in accordance with the purpose of the audit, in due time, based on reliable and valid evidence in a clear, complete and precise manner, and justifies the precautionary recommendations in its reports.
Acts in accordance with confidentiality, does not use the information and opinions obtained directly or indirectly to obtain a benefit or to the detriment of others, and does not disclose them to any institution, organisation or person other than the competent authorities.